Friday, March 27, 2009

Princess & THE HUNTER

Today Whitney performed her ballet dance for the Grantsville Senior Citizens. She done amazing considering how sick she has been all week and missing dance this week. She has become great little dancer. I am so proud of her and who wouldn't be she is a cutie!

Then when I got home Dalton had something to show me. Now that he is 9 we have trusted him to hunt the back yard and field with his BB gun. He has been out there daily trying to get something and today he became a successful hunter. He was so excited and I was happy for him. He had to take a picture of it on his phone and send it to grandma as if it was a trophy kill and of course grandma responded as if it were a trophy kill!

1 comment:

Ryan and Sheree said...

Looks like you have some awesome kids!!