Wednesday, July 29, 2009


On 7/28/09 it was about 5:00 when I get a phone call from Dan saying he will be late getting home. His excuse was he was waiting for the fire department. On his way home he seen smoke which was then followed by flames. He ran to the door and no one answered, so he saw a garden hose turned it on and began spraying trying to control a fire until the fire department could get there. To his surprise he was able to put out the flames and maintain the fire to just the one side of the house. He came home and his adrenalin was still a going so he had to take us back over to show us the house. I snapped a quick picture to share the experience of my man Dan the fireman. Oh and by the way I guess his tardiness from work will be excused, the picture is the proof. LOL

1 comment:

Hiedi said...

Dan is the Man! He can do EVERYTHING. You are one lucky woman!